Explore Treadmill Range with Training Series | MuscleSquad

icon Sep 16, 2022 - Chris Billingham

Treadmill Series Vol. 2: Goal Specific Training

Plenty of people fall at the first hurdle when it comes to training on the treadmill: They don't set specific goals! From casual runners to elite athletes alike, training with a particular objective to achieve will give you much better results than an aimless workout.

You're going to want to consider what it is you're exercising with your treadmill for. For instance, a long-distance runner will want to implement long-distance runs within their work, whereas an 800m runner will want to run that exact amount.

The treadmill is a fantastic way to get these goal-specific training regimes done in a convenient manner. Whether you're just hoping to lose some weight or are looking to take part in a full marathon, a treadmill is a great way to work out for those who don't have the time or resources to get their running on elsewhere. It may be that you work all day and don't want to risk the late-night runs, or you just might not have a good track to run on outdoors – whatever it may be, a treadmill can help!

From simulating real runs with inclines, and tracking your running statistics, to providing you with a convenient way to work out, here's how a treadmill can help you with your goal-specific training:

How Can A Treadmill Help Me Achieve My Goal?

Using a treadmill to help you achieve your goal-specific training routines might just be more effective than going out for a run! One of the main reasons for this is the treadmill's ability to keep stats of your run throughout each session. This means that you can track your speed and distance while even checking on more intricate details such as your heart rate and how many calories you've burned. With a P200 and P300 treadmill, you can even make use of a virtual 400m track display to get your head in the game for the big day.

A treadmill can also be used to simulate the variety you may run into when you're on an outdoor run. For instance, you might be training for a running route which has varying degrees of incline, and a treadmill can help you prepare for this. With our models of treadmills reaching up to a 15% incline, you can truly challenge yourself while you run and get the most out of your exercise.

Apps like Kinomaps will also allow you to pick a route via Bluetooth and simulate the incline on it to truly immerse you in the running experience. This means that if you want to get a run in that will be just like the one you are preparing for but don't have the time or resources to do so; a treadmill can allow you to do it all from the comfort of your home.

That brings us to the final major reason why you may opt to use a treadmill for your goal-specific training – convenience! While it's always great to push yourself outside of your comfort zone in a workout, a little bit of convenience to help along the way never hurt anyone, and a treadmill will certainly provide that.

A treadmill will set you up with the best opportunity to train whenever you can, without you having to worry whether you'll be able to fit in a 2-hour round trip for a 90-minute training session at the local athletics track. By cutting down this journey time through the use of your treadmill, you can even give yourself more time to rest and recuperate, ready for your next session.

Plenty of treadmill users find that they are much more motivated to train when they know the treadmill is waiting for them at home, as there's no stress of travelling to demotivate them! So in this sense, convenience gives you the pressure you need to continue since there's no excuse not to train!


From tracking to incline simulation with the help of a handy treadmill, that looming big race you have ahead of you won’t seem like such a big threat to you anymore. Of course, you’ll want to do some road or track runs to prepare for the big day, so there are no surprises, but a treadmill is a great way to get you set up for that in an efficient and convenient manner.

Instead of thinking up excuses not to run, the treadmill provides you with a great way to work out from home and prepare yourself for any running goal – this is sure to bolster you with the confidence of knowing that you've put in all the required work to provide the best performance possible. That way, you'll be offered the peace of mind that your mind and body are prepared for whatever target you have set for yourself.

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