Welcome to week four of your six-week workout plan.
Find previous weeks' workouts:
Welcome to the fourth week of your six-week workout plan. By now you should be seeing some slight improvements to your fitness, strength and speed of recovery - all very exciting things that will help keep you motivated through your upcoming workouts.
This is the same circuit format as usual - you perform the prescribed number of reps (or as many as you can in a given time) of each exercise before moving onto the next with little rest in-between. Then take 1-2 minutes of rest before going back to exercise one and repeating the circuit.
Repeat the circuit three times, or increase to four if you feel you now can.
Below is a table with an overview of the week so that you know what to expect. We recommend taking a jog or run on non-training days to keep you moving and keep tired muscles limber.
For the full workout details, including how to perform each movement, scroll down.
Goblet Squats 10 Reps |
Jog/Run 30 Minutes |
Single Leg Deadlift 8 Reps |
Stretches/ Mobility |
Jog/Run 30 Minutes |
DB Sumo Squats 10 Reps |
Walk 20 Minutes |
Jumping Jacks 30 Seconds |
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Push Ups 10 Reps |
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Plank Shoulder Taps 30 Seconds |
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DB Glute Bridge 15 Reps |
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DB Reverse Lunges 8 Reps |
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Deadlifts 12 Reps |
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DB Shoulder Press 15 Reps |
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Burpee 30 Seconds |
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DB Floor Press 10 Reps |
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V-Sit Hold 30 Seconds |
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Squat Hold 30 Seconds |
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High Knees 30 Seconds |
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Banded Pull-Aparts 12 Reps |
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DB Bent Over Row 30 Seconds |
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Plank Climber 30 Seconds |
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Here are 3 basic movements you can perform for 10-20 seconds before exercise to help prepare you for your movements.
9090 Hip Rotation
Bent Knee Iron Cross
Scapular Halo
Don't have a resistance band? Try using something like a dressing gown cord for this movement.
Now, on to the workout!
Monday: Workout One
Exercise One - Goblet Squat
10 Repetitions
If you don't have a weight at home, you can substitute it with any object.
Exercise Two - Jumping Jacks
30 Seconds
Exercise Three - Dumbbell Glute Bridge
15 Repetitions
If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can substitute them with any object.
Exercise Four - Dumbbell Shoulder Press
15 Repetitions
If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can substitute them with any object.
Exercise Five - V-Sit Hold
30 Seconds
If this hurts your lower back, you can rest your feet gently on the floor. To make the movement more challenging, lean back more and hold your legs further away from your body.
Exercise Six - Banded Pull Aparts
Rest 1-2 minutes, then go back to exercise one and repeat the circuit. Try and go for three rounds.
Tuesday: Jog/Run for 30 minutes
Wednesday: Workout Two
Exercise One - Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift
8 Repetitions - each leg
If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can substitute them with any object.
Exercise Two - Push Ups
10 Repetitions
Drop down to your knees if you need to.
Exercise Three - Dumbbell Reverse Lunges
8 Repetitions - each leg
If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can substitute them with any object.
Exercise Four - Burpees
30 Seconds
Exercise Five - Squat Hold
30 Seconds
Hold for as long as you can. Come out of the hold if you need a rest, but try to complete 30 seconds of holding in total.
Exercise Six - Dumbbell Bent Over Row
30 Seconds
Do as many reps as you can in the 30 seconds.
Rest 1-2 minutes, then go back to exercise one and repeat the circuit. Try and go for three rounds.
Thursday: Mobilising Stretches
You can find the usual Mobility workout from previous weeks here.
Or if you'd like to try something new, here's a 10 minute Yoga workout.
Friday: Jog/Run for 30 Minutes
Saturday: Workout Three
Exercise One - Dumbbell Sumo Squats
10 Repetitions
If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can substitute them with any object.
Exercise Two - Plank Shoulder Taps
30 Seconds
Do as many as you can within 30 seconds.
Exercise Three - Deadlifts
12 Repetitions
If you don't have a barbell, you can use any weighted object, or a bag of objects.
Exercise Four - Dumbbell Floor Press
10 Repetitions
If you don't have dumbbells at home, you can substitute them with any object.
Exercise Five - High Knees
30 Seconds
Exercise Six - Plank Climber
30 Seconds
Do as many as you can within 30 seconds.
Rest 1-2 minutes, then go back to exercise one and repeat the circuit again. Try and go for three rounds.
Sunday: Walk for 30 minutes