Weightlifting and Strength Training | MuscleSquad

Weight lifting & Strength Training

Pronated, supinated or neutral grip — their role in weightlifting


Jul 24, 2024 - Cameron Brierley

Pronated, supinated or neutral grip — their role in weightlifting

Neutral grip, supinated grip and…what? Getting your head around different weightlifting grips can be tricky, but we’re here to smooth things all out and get you into that next session feeling confident and ready to train. First things first though,...

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  • 8 Exercises To Supercharge Your Arms

    Feb 16, 2024 - Cameron Brierley

    8 Exercises To Supercharge Your Arms

    While it’s important to train every muscle group equally, workouts that hit the arms have a special feeling to them. Whether it’s the pump you get after the session, the simplicity of some of the movements or just how creative...

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  • Four reasons why you should vary your workouts

    Nov 21, 2023 - Cameron Brierley

    Four reasons why you should vary your workouts

    When it comes to building muscle, it’s easy to fall into the trap of never changing your routine. You train arms on certain days, legs on others and you have a fixed set of exercises for each muscle group. Sounds...

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  • Maximising Gains: The Power of Mechanical Dropsets in Your Workouts

    Oct 05, 2023 - JY Sharif

    Maximising Gains: The Power of Mechanical Dropsets in Your Workouts

    There is a huge variety of techniques and strategies you can implement into your training to help you build strength and muscle. Mechanical dropsets are a great but underutilised tool to help you build muscle. In this blog, we will explain what mechanical dropsets are and give you some examples of you how you can implement this in your training for best results.

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  • Functional training Exercises Squat

    Sep 27, 2023 - Think Shaw

    Free Weights vs Cables - Which is best for Resistance Training?

    One common question that tends to divide many people is “Which is better for resistance training, free weights (like barbells and dumbbells), or cables? To answer that lets dig into the pros and cons of each to see which option works best for you!

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  • Kettlebell Reverse Lunge Exercise

    Jul 04, 2023 - Think Shaw

    Introduction to Functional Training + 7 Exercises

    We hear this word quite often in the fitness industry, but what is functional training? Functional training basically means training in a way that keeps you healthy and moving well for everyday life. It's the basic foundation you need in order to do all of the typical activities we do on a day to day or week to week basis, everything from dancing to cleaning the house or carrying shopping.

    With functional training, you’re simply practicing and refining movement patterns that you use repeatedly, often without even knowing it. This strengthens the body’s connection to the mind as well as your core control and body mechanics, so that it all comes naturally to you when you need it.

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  • The Power of Progressive Overload: Unlocking Your Full Potential in Fitness

    Jun 22, 2023 - JY Sharif

    The Power of Progressive Overload: Unlocking Your Full Potential in Fitness

    Do you want to build muscle, or do you want to get stronger? Whatever your goal is, when it comes to achieving your fitness goals, there is one key principle that you need to be aware of: progressive overload. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or at the very start of your fitness journey, having an understanding and being able to effectively apply progressive overload to your training is key to your progression and will determine if you reach your goals or not. In this blog, we will explore what progressive overload is, why it is essential, and how you can effectively apply it to maximise your gains.

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  • 5 ways to break through weight-training plateaus

    Mar 16, 2023 - JY Sharif

    5 ways to break through weight-training plateaus

    Progression in any pursuit is never linear, at the start of the journey you may see progress with every session and constant improvement, which provides you with the rewarding feeling keeping you coming back week after week. There will always come the point where that rapid progression halts and you reach your first plateau. This is the point that separates the wheat from the chaff, majority of people will hit this first wall, get discouraged and give up. On the other hand, those who persevere and push through this stage are the ones who will achieve their goals and attain mastery in their given pursuit. In this article, we will discuss how YOU can overcome training plateaus and provide 5 strategies you can implement to get you back on track and progressing once again!

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  • Top 4 Myths About Weightlifting

    Mar 10, 2023 - JY Sharif

    Top 4 Myths About Weightlifting

    Weightlifting is a popular form of exercise that has many health benefits, including increased strength, improved bone density, and a reduced risk of chronic disease. However, there are several myths surrounding weightlifting that can discourage people from trying it or cause them to use incorrect techniques. In this article, we will explore 4 of the most common myths about weightlifting and help dispel these myths so you can feel more comfortable to start your weightlifting journey or whenever you hear these myths in discussions you can be better equipped to tackle those conversations.

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  • Types Of Strength Training – Part 4 - Endurance

    Oct 25, 2022 - Chris Billingham

    Types Of Strength Training – Part 4 - Endurance

    Think of your endurance as your battery; it's similar to other words, such as stamina. It is literally your body's physical capability and limits whether in an environment where you're exercising or not. Yet keep in mind there are still differences between stamina and endurance. The more technical difference...

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  • Types Of Strength Training – Part 3 - Power

    Oct 21, 2022 - Chris Billingham

    Types Of Strength Training – Part 3 - Power

    Power is an essential component to succeeded in sports, from the swing of a golf club to the jab of a fighter, in order to win you need power. In terms of physics, power equals force times speed. This article explores power in sports and what you can do to increase your power.

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  • Types Of Strength Training – Part 2 – Strength

    Oct 17, 2022 - Chris Billingham

    Types Of Strength Training – Part 2 – Strength

    What is Strength? In relation to fitness, strength is technically the amount of force a person can output (or withstand). This is shown by the amount of weight someone can lift, whether free weights or via a bench press. Everyone wants more strength, of course, and the best way to get to that is via porgressive overload.

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  • Types Of Strength Training – Part 1 – Hypertrophy

    Oct 07, 2022 - Chris Billingham

    Types Of Strength Training – Part 1 – Hypertrophy

    Muscular hypertrophy is the most common goal of anyone looking to weight train. It's one of four types of strength training alongside muscular endurance, muscular strength, and muscular power. The first thing that you should consider when dealing with muscle hypertrophy is how muscle growth is stimulated...

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  • How to Use your Squat Rack like a Pro Powerlifter

    Aug 30, 2022 - Chris Billingham

    How to Use your Squat Rack like a Pro Powerlifter

    Andy Champ is a renowned gym owner and pro powerlifter. With experience as a rugby player, Andy went on to compete and win in the British Championships of powerlifting in his first year. He’s also gone on to win a silver medal in the European Bench Press Single lift Championships. In this article, we will go over key tips from Andy to apply when executing the big 3 lifts in competitions! 

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  • Picture of a women squatting in a home gym studio

    Aug 03, 2022 - Chris Billingham

    Making the most out of your home gym squat rack

    The squat rack is a staple in any weightlifters gym! With its amazing versatility and ease of use, you'd be hard-pressed to find another piece of gym equipment you could get more benefit out of. Today we've had a discussion in the office in our top 10 exercises you can do in your own home gym.

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  • DOMs from weightlifting, what is it and what to do about it

    Feb 04, 2022 - Lewis Kite

    Weightlifting DOMS: what is it and what should we do about it?

    Has your January gym resolution left you feeling sore? It’s time to talk about DOMS – and what you can do to feel better faster.

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  • body weight weightlifting - a pull up form guide

    Feb 01, 2022 - Lewis Kite

    Get The Most Out Of Your Body Weight Weightlifting: Pull Ups, A Form Guide For All Levels

    In this article, I’ll be going through common form mistakes and progressions for all experience levels, from the very beginner who has that goal of “one full pull-up” to the advanced that are looking for ways to tweak their form to continue progress.

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  • weightlifting & strength training to relieve stress

    Feb 01, 2022 - Lewis Kite

    How strength training can relieve stress

    You've probably heard 100 or more reasons why strength training can be physically beneficial to you, but have you ever considered the benefits of strength training for your mental health and stress levels?

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  • workout guide to barbell squats

    Feb 01, 2022 - Jamie Grover

    Weightlifting: How To Do Barbell Squats

    Barbell squats are one of the main three compound lifts, famed for their effectiveness at building muscle and strength. Add them to your training today with this full breakdown on how to perform the barbell squat.

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  • workout guide to squat with dumbbells

    Feb 01, 2022 - Jamie Grover

    Weightlifting: How To Squat With Dumbbells

    If you've got a basic home gym set up, or a few dumbbells lying around, good news. You can get an intense leg workout in and build those tree trunks you've always wanted.

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  • advanced weight training techniques

    Feb 01, 2022 - Jamie Grover

    Advanced Weight Training Techniques

    If you've mastered the basics of weightlifting, perfected your form, and gained a lot of size and strength, you're probably getting bored of training the same way. If you're also hitting plateaus, you need to switch things up. Here are some ways you can alter your training as an advanced lifter.

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