Getting Started As A Personal Trainer | MuscleSquad

icon Nov 11, 2021 - Fitness Trainer

Getting Started As A Personal Trainer

Becoming a personal trainer is the most wonderful career. You get to spend your days helping improve other people’s lives and you get to meet some inspiring people along the way.

To make your experience as smooth, positive, and enjoyable as possible here are my top tips for personal trainers either just starting or looking to develop their business.

Never stop learning

Make learning your number one priority. The more you know the more able you are to help your clients and there are some fantastic sources of information available for personal trainers to increase their knowledge above and beyond the initial qualification.

Set yourself goals of improving your knowledge in one area every week.

Every client you meet will be different and will need help differently.

The more you know the easier it is to identify this.

Have clear terms and conditions

Your clients will become your friends along the way and of course, you want to do the very best for them, but this is your business and your livelihood, so your clients need to understand what you expect from them when they join your coaching program for example do, they understand your cancellation policy and your payment terms.

Expand your network

Reach out to other coaches within the industry because sometimes being a personal trainer can feel a little lonely.

Your social media and any other forms of contact to talk to other coaches and build a support network around you so that when you have those days when you struggle you have colleagues you can find support from.

Don't be a hero

Understand that you can't help everyone and sometimes you have to say no.

This is where having a rock-solid consultation process, where you understand the person in front of you and what their goals are is super important.

Make sure you understand what type of people you want to work with and how many clients you can realistically provide an excellent level of service to and don't push yourself be on this.

Practice what you preach

You must leave time in your schedule to be able to train eat and sleep just because you have more hours available in the day doesn't mean you need to fill them with extra clients. Diarise your training, diarise your lunch break and give yourself working hours.

Don't take it too personally

If a client doesn't achieve the results that they want, don't beat yourself up about it.

Think about it like this when people climb Everest, they need a mountain guide to show them the way and educate them on how to get there but the actual claim has to be done by the client and this is no different in personal training you can provide as much support and education as possible but the client still has to do the climb and sometimes people just aren't ready.

Make time to celebrate

Now and then with your clients, you will experience something special:

  • The first pull-up
  • The first push-up
  • Deadlift PB
  • Weight loss goal achieved

Those things have happened because of you and the support you have provided to that person to enable them to work hard and commit to their goals.

Hold onto those moments and they will bring you happiness throughout your career.

What Equipment do I Need to be a Personal Trainer?

In terms of the equipment you need, it varies. Nowadays there are two main types of personal trainers. A mobile PT travels to their clients to train them from their home. A stationary PT usually has a kitted-out home gym for their clients to use for their training.

Mobile PT Equipment

If you’re travelling to train your clients, you’ll need compact equipment that can easily fit into your car/van and won’t be a pain to get into the clients’ house.

Adjustable Dumbbell Bench

An adjustable dumbbell bench is great for travelling PTs. A bench is vital for any workout, especially when training from home. They’re extremely versatile and unlock a massive array of full-body exercises for your clients.

Check out the MuscleSquad adjustable dumbbell bench, which even folds up for easy transportation.

If you need some inspo for interesting and effective bench exercises, you’ll want to read this guide on how to use a weight bench.

Adjustable Dumbbells

Sticking with the adjustable theme, adjustable dumbbells are not only cost effective, but they also save an immense amount of space. You can alter the weight in small increments so they can be used for almost any exercise; from lateral raises to Bulgarian split-squats. Effectively, you’re getting a whole set of dumbbells in one package. This saves you from having to take multiple pairs of dumbbells with you when visiting clients.

We have adjustable dumbbells ranging from 12.5kg all the way up to 40kg. No matter how strong your clients are, we’ve got you covered.

Dumbbells are more than enough to put your clients through an intense full body workout.


Kettlebells can provide a fresh and interesting change to your clients’ workouts. They’re usually incorporated into circuits for a full-body workout, but they can also be used for single exercises or supersets. If you have clients looking to lose weight and gain strength, kettlebells are perfect. Circuit training really gets the blood pumping, and effectively works as a mixture of cardio and bodybuilding at the same time. Some kettlebell exercises also help to work on mobility.

Here at MuscleSquad, we have a selection of kettlebells to suit all your PT needs.

Exercise Mat

An exercise mat provides a comfortable space for bodyweight exercises, stretching/mobility work, and core exercises. In addition to their versatility, they’re easily rollable so they take up little to no space in your vehicle.

We have a 12mm thick, soft and durable NBR foam mat. It’s 610mm wide, meaning there’s more than enough space for push-ups and other bodyweight exercises.

Stationary PT Equipment

If you’re training your clients from the comfort of your own home, you’re going to want some seriously sturdy equipment that can take a beating and still last a long time.

Flat Bench

Despite not being foldable, a flat bench is sturdier than an adjustable bench for exercises like the bench press. It’s a solid addition to any durable home PT setup.

Here’s our own flat bench. Rated to 190kg combined weight.

Adjustable Dumbbell Bench

You’ll also need an adjustable bench for exercises like shoulder press, incline bench press, and preacher curls.

Power Rack, Barbell, and Plates

A power rack will enable your clients to do barbell exercises like the bench press, squat, and overhead press. These compound movements are scientifically proven to be the most effective at building muscle and strength. If you want the best for your clients, get a power rack.

At MuscleSquad, we have a line of power racks to suit your every need. Some fold flat when not in use to save space, and some even come with cable pulleys and other accessories.

You’ll also need a barbell and weight plates to use with your rack.


As well as your power rack set up, you’ll want some dumbbells for accessory movements like lateral raises, curls, and presses. Adjustable dumbbells are a good option again, due to their compactness and versatility, but if you have the space why not get a nice set of dumbbells in.

MuscleSquad specialises in dumbbells. We have a huge assortment of different dumbbells to suit your every need. We can also ship you over an entire set of dumbbells if you need a lot. As well as this, we also have dumbbell racks so you can store and display your dumbbells with pride.

Exercise Mat

No matter where you’re training your clients, you’ll always have a use for an exercise mat.


A treadmill is the most versatile piece of cardio equipment available. Having a treadmill in your setup means your clients can do HIIT, LISS, interval training, long runs, incline walks, warmups, and more. The possibilities are absolutely endless and it would be silly to not include something so beneficial for your clients in your home gym.

Check out our range of treadmills to suit your space and training requirements.

Jamie Grover, Fitness Journalist from Bristol.

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