We often tell people that a kettlebell can be used to hit pretty much every muscle in your body. And well, we thought it was about time that we put our money where our mouth is with a full body kettlebell workout that you can complete from home.
We’ll be hitting your legs, arms, core and more in this blitzer of a routine, and we have MuscleSquad PT Kai Tunstall on the job to highlight the muscles worked and any form considerations to keep in mind for each exercise.
Sound like a plan? Then grab your kettlebell, an exercise mat if you have one, a bottle of water and let’s train.
Full Body Kettlebell Workout
We’re going to split this workout into a circuit, meaning you’ll run through each exercise without a rest. So work for 45 seconds, move onto the next exercise and once you’ve completed a full revolution of the circuit rest for two minutes. Once that time is up, we’re hitting it all over again. We recommend doing this three times in total, but you’re welcome to add more or less depending on your fitness and available time.
Training like this is great for elevating your heart rate, burning more calories and helping you complete your workout as quickly as possible. This routine only takes 24 minutes.

Exercise #1: Goblet squats
Target muscle(s): Quads, glutes and hamstrings
Start by gripping a kettlebell in both hands at roughly chest height. Your feet should be angled to the side. While keeping your back straight, squat down until your quads are parallel with the floor and the kettlebell is level with your hips. Then push yourself back up. Repeat for 45 seconds to really set those legs on fire!

Exercise #2: Dual hand press
Target muscle(s): Front deltoids
You can perform this exercise with one or two kettlebells, depending on the kit you have available. Start by gripping the kettlebell in one hand and raising it to shoulder height. Keep your core tight and push the kettlebell up until your arms are straight, and then lower them back in a controlled motion. This is a great movement for building strength in the shoulders, particularly your front deltoids.

Exercise #3: Bicep curls
Target muscle(s): Biceps and brachialis
The curved nature of a kettlebell makes it surprisingly comfortable to curl. Start by gripping the kettlebell and letting your arm hang loose by your side. Your palm should be facing the ceiling. Slowly curl the weight up, feeling a squeeze at the top of the movement. Then lower it back down, making sure to stay controlled in the process. Do 45 seconds for one arm and then switch sides.

Exercise #4: Kettlebell swings
Target muscle(s): Core, quadriceps and deltoids
The kettlebell staple. Stand in a wide position with the kettlebell held out in front of you. Swing the kettlebell through your legs to build some momentum and then explode upwards, bringing the weight and your arms parallel with the floor. Let it drop back between your legs before repeating the movement.

Exercise #5: Lunges
Target muscle(s): Quads and hamstrings
Hold one or two kettlebells out to your side and step forward to start the lunge. Bend at the knee until your back leg is almost touching the ground, then push yourself back up to a standing position. Repeat on the opposite leg until the 45 seconds has passed.

Exercise #6: Bent over row
Target muscle(s): Lats, biceps and brachialis
This can be performed with only a kettlebell, but you’ll find it easier to lean against a bench or another surface to steady yourself. Take a kettlebell in one hand and, while keeping your back straight, pull it towards you until it’s almost touching your chest. Try and focus more on pulling with your back muscles rather than relying on your arms. Repeat on both arms for 45 seconds.

Exercise #7: Russian twists
Target muscle(s): Abs and obliques
Lie down on the floor or on an exercise mat with a kettlebell to your side. Keep your feet close together and twist the kettlebell to either side of your body, pausing slightly at the end of the twist. Doing this on its own gets the abs burning, so the added resistance from the kettlebell will have you feeling it in no time.

Exercise #8: Farmer’s walk
Target muscle(s): Abs, traps, forearms and core
A simple exercise but one that’s great for the core. Simply pick up a heavy pair of kettlebells and walk back and forth across your room for 45 seconds. That’s really all there is to it, but it’s a great way to finish the circuit!
Aaaaand rest. Take your two minute break and then repeat the circuit. By the time you’re done you’ll have a mean full body pump in just 24 minutes. 👊
See you for the next one!
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