Full body dumbbell workout from home | MuscleSquad

icon Feb 01, 2022 - Fitness Trainer

Full body dumbbell workout from home

There's a reason that dumbbells are the quintessential piece of gym equipment. Whether you have a set of adjustable dumbbells, a pair of hexes or even an old dumbbell set that you found under the bed, you can train your whole body with just a pair of weights. 

To show exactly how versatile a pair of dumbbells is, we've put together a full-body dumbbell workout that can be performed at home. A weight bench will help you make the most of it, but this can easily be substituted with a chair if you don't have one.

We're going to run through the six exercises without rest, aiming for 8-15 reps to really blast the major muscle groups. We'll then rest for 3-5 minutes before jumping into the next round for a total of four rounds.

3-5 minutes might sound like a lot of rest time, but after going through the six exercises without rest we think you'll agree it's the right amount. So strap in and let's get it done.

Exercise 1

Heel-Elevated Dumbbell Front Squats

This little beauty is perfect for blasting the legs, and with the heels elevated it's an ideal exercise for those struggling with ankle mobility and tight hips. The extra range created by elevating the heels forces your knees forward, making the quads work even harder.

Exercise 2

Renegade Rows

Excellent for your back, core and arm strength, it's important not to go too heavy with your dumbbells on this one. Start out with a light pair until you get the hang of this exercise.

Exercise 3

Arnold Press

Named after the famous Austrian Oak, this is an excellent shoulder-builder. Focus on controlled movements here as it's an easy error to make to let the dumbbells drift forward when transitioning to the front.

Exercise 4

Bent Over Rows

You may have seen these done one side at a time over a bench, but today we're going to do both sides at once to keep that heart rate up and burn some extra calories! Use a heavy set of dumbbells for this exercise. You should feel a burn between the shoulders before you feel them in your biceps.

Exercise 5

Skull Crushers

Keep those elbows in check while performing skull crushers to really feel it in your triceps. 

Exercise 6

Cross Body Hammer Curls

Be sure not to "shrug" the weight and let your shoulders come up. Keep them down and locked in, and let the biceps do the work for a juicy set of pythons!

Look at that — a full-body pump with just a set of dumbbells. There's a reason they're the essential strength training companion. 

If you haven't got yours yet, check out our range of dumbbells, all available with rapid UK delivery.




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