Why your gym needs dumbbell storage racks | MuscleSquad

icon Jul 18, 2024 - Cameron Brierley

Why you should invest in dumbbell storage

There’s no piece of gym equipment quite like the dumbbell, but if these weights are the Batman of your workout space then you need to find them a Robin — or, as we prefer to call it, a suitable dumbbell storage rack.

Dumbbell storage racks are dedicated units that are built to store dumbbells. This might sound obvious at first, but when you consider a dumbbell’s key features then you’ll realise why you can’t just store a set of dumbbells on your kitchen counter.

First, dumbbells are heavy. You can leave a few of them on your coffee table, sure, but what happens when you have a full set that needs storing? Our dumbbell racks have max weight loads ranging from 300kg to 1,200kg, so they're not your average shoe rack!

Second, you need to be able to access your entire set of dumbbells in one motion. If you choose to leave your dumbbells on the floor, then you’ll need to sift through a very heavy pile of weights each time you’re looking for a specific dumbbell.

Dumbbells and dumbbell storage

8-pair vertical dumbbell rack

And finally, dumbbells on a dumbbell rack just look better, in the same way that a photo in a photo frame does. Let us break down exactly why you should invest in a dumbbell storage rack for your gym.

1. Tidy space, tidy mind

Storing your dumbbells in a dedicated rack keeps your gym tidy, more pleasant to be in and simpler to use. The whole point of having your own training space is that it eliminates the headache of visiting a traditional gym. Well, we’d say that if you have to sort through your whole dumbbell set each time you train, then you’re no better off than before. Keep them tidy with a storage rack and you’ll feel how much nicer your gym is to be in.

2. Space is everything

In a home gym, the amount of space you have available dictates the kind of setup you can house. Floor space is perhaps the most valuable asset you have when building a gym so it’s important to make every purchase with this in mind. A dumbbell rack, then, that stores weights neatly in a vertical, two-tier or three-tier system keeps your floor open and your dumbbells ordered, leaving more room for you to train in.

3. Weight in line

While it’s always nice to keep things in order, it’s essential when it comes to dumbbells. You’re likely so used to training in environments where the weight is positioned in ascending order that you can’t imagine having to manually search for the dumbbell pair you need (unless you’ve been in the free weights area at 5pm), but trust us when we say you’re not missing out on anything. Having your 10s next to your 12.5s helps keep your workout as streamlined as possible.

How should I store my dumbbells?

This is all depends on how many dumbbells you have and how heavy they are. If you have a set of neoprene dumbbells, then our vertical rack will be perfect for keeping these out of the way in your living room or bedroom.

If you have a couple of pairs of hex dumbbells, we’d say that you’re fine storing these in the corner of the room or under your bed. You don’t need a storage rack for just a few dumbbells.

When you start to build a collection of four pairs or more, then we’d suggest thinking about a storage rack. Again, our vertical tree is the best bet for small dumbbell collections.

As you expand your range further, then it’s time to look at our three-tier storage systems which excel at being both space-saving and tough in weight load.

Finally, for the heaviest of requirements, our Phase 3 dumbbell rack brings a real toughness to your gym with its 1,200kg load rating.

What about adjustable dumbbell storage?

Adjustable Dumbbells on a stand

Adjustable dumbbell pair with storage stand

Adjustable dumbbells are a different beast in that they’re bulky but—in most cases—you only need to store two of them. An adjustable dumbbell stand is the most popular choice in this department, as they allow the dumbbells to be wheeled around the room despite their size and weight.


So make the investment when you’re ready, prioritise a tidy gym and never chase that missing dumbbell again.

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